
Hello Mighty Health Family 👋! On Tasty Tuesday we usually post a recipe to try out from our recipe page, but today we are going to start a new series called Fresh Food Facts 🥗! On this day we are going to introduce different foods that you can include in your diet, share their health benefits, and show you different ways you can prepare them👩‍🍳! We thought it would be a fun idea to start with winter harvest vegetables that you can grow in your garden or find at your local farmers market 🧺. Let’s start with beets: Health Benefits: 🔘They contain pigments called betalains which have a number of anti-inflammatory properties. 🔘One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber which can be a great fiber source. 🔘They have been studied for their ability to decrease elevated blood pressure levels. Ways To Prepare Beets: 🔘Grate beets for your coleslaw or salads. 🔘Blend beets to make a dip. 🔘Juice beets to make beetroot juice. We would like to know, do you like beets? If so, how do you like to prepare them?

Angela C

Hello Mighty Health Family 👋! On Tasty Tuesday we usually post a recipe to try out from our recipe page, but today we are going to start a new series called Fresh Food Facts 🥗! On this day we are going to introduce different foods that you can include in your diet, share their health benefits, and show you different ways you can prepare them👩‍🍳! We thought it would be a fun idea to start with winter harvest vegetables that you can grow in your garden or find at your local farmers market 🧺. Let’s start with beets: Health Benefits: 🔘They contain pigments called betalains which have a number of anti-inflammatory properties. 🔘One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber which can be a great fiber source. 🔘They have been studied for their ability to decrease elevated blood pressure levels. Ways To Prepare Beets: 🔘Grate beets for your coleslaw or salads. 🔘Blend beets to make a dip. 🔘Juice beets to make beetroot juice. We would like to know, do you like beets? If so, how do you like to prepare them?

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Angela C It depends how they are made, but I love them in sałads! ☺️
Lindsay T I've never really been a huge fan of beets but I think this week I'll try it in a salad!
Jeanne S Not a beets fan but love learning about food - great idea on new series. Thx!
Jeanette M love beets . if I can't buy them then I Suppliment them with beet powder I get the same effect too.
Coach Diane L love beets!
Jeanette M I add them to smoothies or stir fry or salads
Angela C Thanks for sharing everyone! I also have to try them in stir fry!